Dados Acadêmicos

  • Autor

    Rosiane Dalacosta

  • Orientador

    Murillo de Oliveira Dias

  • Universidade


  • Tipo de Curso


  • Tipo


  • Ano de Produção


Resumo do Projeto


This single case study investigated the institutionalization process at Cresol Baser, as the unit of analysis (Yin, 1988). Cresol is a rural credit cooperative located at Francisco Beltrão, Paraná state, southern Brazil. Prior research on the subject investigated credit cooperatives (Dias, M.O. & Ramos, 2018) winemaking cooperatives (Dias, M.O. & Craveiro, 2019); agriculture cooperatives (Dias, M.O., & Teles, 2018); agribusiness cooperatives (Dias et al., 2018). Cooperatives are also termed coop, co-op, or co-operatives. Hereafter we adopted the term cooperative. Credit cooperatives are also named financial cooperatives or credit unions. A cooperative is defined as an "autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democraticallycontrolled enterprise (International Co-operative Alliance - ICA, 2018a, p.1). Brazilian cooperatives abide by Law 5.764/71, which organized the cooperatives in three classifications: (a) singular co-operatives, with 20 associates minimum; (b) federation, or central cooperatives composed by three singular one’s minimum, and (c) confederations of cooperatives, composed by three federations minimum (Brasil, 1971, Article 5, items I-III). Cresol Baser is a confederation cooperative (Cresol, 2019). Cresol logo is depicted in Figure 1, as follows: The globalization process made a turning point on human interactions, extending for the first time the interactivity to the virtual realm. In the case of organizations, this reflection refers to the view that competitive advantage should be rethought. In this way, there is a difficulty to live in balance, once fighting for the same resources, because competitiveness assumes rivalry between two or more actors. Second Axe-da-Silva and Franco (1999), this causes the competitiveness can be defined as the ability to manufacture or produce better products than its competitors and thus there are increasingly searching for new methods and efficient structures. This search for efficient structures causes, during the lifetime of organizations, commonly occurring organizational changes, whatever their structures, customs or actions, these sometimes successful, sometimes not. For Bio (1987), an organizational change can be recognized by the replacement of organizational practice by another superior, considered with the purpose of improving organizational performance. The theme of change, inserted into the organizations have ample space for discussion, because if one knows the importance of cultural factors of the Organization in the process of mutation. As Meyer and Rowan (1977), the organizational environment can e understood in two fields, namely: the) technical environment, which can be seen by the economic vision; and b) institutional environment, which comprises the rules and procedures. According to the authors, is the institutional environment which provides legitimacy to organizations. As stated by Fonseca and Axe-da-Silva (2010), is on institutional theory that the understanding and the understanding of the phenomena that occur in the organization. That's because, according to the authors, "the relationship between the organizations and the environment becomes central to the institutional theory, because part of the idea that organizations are immersed in an environment of which they withdraw and they transmit appropriate modes of action, particularly strategic in nature "(Fonseca; M-Da-Silva, 2010, p. 17). In this same line, Tolbert and Zucker (1999) explain that the institutional theory aims to show how and why the emergence of the Organization and also the way that the actions and the culture are structured and incorporated into the organization. From an institutional perspective, this study set out to identify the degree of institutionalization of practices performed by Rural Credit Cooperative System with Solidary Interaction-Cresol Baser System, ensuring the technical training of their leaders, in response to Resolution in the 4,434/2015 of the Central Bank of Brazil. This resolution, originally had its provisions provided for in resolution of 3,859 27 May 2010. Legal content deals with rules on the establishment of credit unions in Brazil. (BACEN, 2015). For both, it was considered in this research to practical proposition 35, article that mentions that "the central cooperative credit, or the Confederacy, shall perform the following functions, concerning cooperatives: [...] III. Promote the formation and permanent training of members of statutory bodies, managers and associates "(BACEN .2015, p. 35). It is assumed that to comply with the standards laid down by the regulator, there are internal changes that can be understood. These internal changes generated from these standards may be included in a perspective of institutional theory. Institutional theory shows how organizational behaviors are responses not only to market pressures but also institutional pressures. Therefore, the guiding question of the research conducted was bounded as follows: what are the practices performed by the credit unions of Rural Credit Cooperative System with Solidary Interaction-Cresol Baser System, ensuring technical training of their leaders and demonstrating institutionalization? Therefore, the specific goal has been set on the institutionalization of the practice of permanent training of statutory members, belonging to a specific system of credit unions, from the theoretical model proposed in the institutional theory of Tolbert and Zucker (1999). These authors have created a model to measure the process of institutionalization in continuous and sequential steps.

